
Welcome to WSAPS

World Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

WSAPS Surgeons

Qualified Surgeons from around the world

Patient Safety

Safe and sure surgical procedures

WSAPS certification

Products certified by WSAPS

Liposuction - WSAPS

SummerTime Surgery

Summer is arriving – are you ready for it? Popular aesthetic surgeries to prepare for the summertime are body contouring surgeries, such as liposuction. 
Click below for a brief overview of the surgical procedure!

WSAPS SpecialisT

How to acquire
Wsaps Specialist?

Become acknolwedged as a master of aesthetic surgery.
Find out how by clicking below!

members list

Find A Wsaps

Looking for a WSAPS surgeon near you? A full member list of the World Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery can be found by clicking below.

World Society thumbnail (4)


What is

What is WSAPS and what does it do?
Find out all about us by clicking the button below: